Sterling volatility still centre of attention.

Sterling volatility still centre of attention.

Sterling exchange rates have experienced a lot of volatility over the last week- the first part of volatility was due to BoE Governor Mark Carney making comments about the UK economic outlook, most of which were negative and stated that it is the worst in over 10...
What to expect from the Pound this week

What to expect from the Pound this week

I’m having Deja-vu, it feels like we’ve been in this exact same situation before! MP’s will finally vote on Theresa May’s deal on Tuesday 15th January (Which is also my birthday, so I am hoping for a calm day on the markets…), providing...
Sterling volatility still centre of attention.

What’s next for Sterling exchange rates?

I hope you all had a wonderful festive period and new year- trading resumed last week but I thought I would leave it a week before I wrote my first report of 2019 as the first week is generally quiet- oh how I was wrong! In the first week of January, we have already...
Sterling continues to rise through UK political turmoil.

Brexit uncertainty keeps Pound weak.

Another confusing week on the markets- as nothing went to the Government’s initial plan; Theresa May decided to cancel the House of Commons vote for her Brexit deal so she could go and get clarification from the EU for the Irish Backstop- this was followed by a...